Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tarot Tuesday, August 18

Today's card drawn is The Empress.

The Empress represents the feminine aspects of ourselves, whether you are a man or a woman.  Those feminine aspects can be shown in many ways - beauty, sensuality, fertility, creatives expression and nurturing.  For many of us, she represents our artistic and creative side.  The presence of this card today calls you to connect with your feminine energy.  It is a good time to create beauty in your life and explore the senses; taste, touch, sound, smell and sight.  Have you been feeling extra creative lately?  It's also a good time to spend some time treating yourself to some of the better things in life.  Get a massage, have a spa day, go enjoy a nice dining experience.

This would be an excellent time to begin a new hobby.  If you've been thinking of learning something new, you should do it.  This will help you to access that creative part of yourself.

This card could possibly indicate a pregnancy or birth.  And no, that doesn't apply to me personally!  This can also be metaphorical and represent the birth of a new idea, a product, or a new way of being.  You may have or will have new ideas which will be implemented to help lead to the success of your projects and interests.

The Empress also encourages you to spend some time in nature.  If you're going on a vacation, skip the fancy hotel and try camping or hiking.  Connecting with Mother Earth can be truly rewarding.

This is a deeply nurturing and caring card.  If you are a mother, you might be exploring that role more deeply than ever before.  Truly appreciate the gift you have been given.  If you are a father, the Empress encourages you to be nurturing to your children and open the lines of communication between you and them.  Support them and guide them.

We are naturally born to create.  We all spend most of our lives doing just that whether we realize it or not.  Anytime you act upon an idea, write a letter or a blog post, improvise on the piano, draw or paint a picture, or contribute to the birth of a child, you are acting as The Empress.  Don't be afraid to try new creations.  It's amazing to watch those creations come to life.

Finally, The Empress card can indicate that the Universe is about to intervene in your life.  You may receive the glimpse of a miracle or perhaps even more.  What might appear to be good luck could actually be the result of a series of good choices you have made.  In other words, it is your turn to have things work out in your favor.  You deserve to be blessed and to feel nurtured yourself.  Great things are coming your way.

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