Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday Musings - Tales From the Gypsy Wagon

Happy Monday!!  This is the last installment of "Tales From the Gypsy Wagon" this year.

Saturday night was the last night for us to read fortunes in the Gypsy Wagon this Halloween season.  Angelle had All-State chorus auditions (she made it in, by the way) so she stayed home that evening and just KD and I went.

It was a very slow start, but that's pretty typical.  Usually the ones who show up at the haunt at 7:00 go through the haunt first, then come in to have their fortunes told.  Also not everyone knows what is going on in the gypsy wagon, either, and they don't know if there is a cost or not.  At any rate, about 7:45, people started coming in for readings.

It was a great night of fortune telling.  Again, it is so fun when people are amazed by the cards and they feel like they are spot on.  I just love that!  I had one group come in and they were thinking of questions to ask, then they wondered if they could ask when they were going to die.  I explained that one person had asked how she was going to die before, so two of them got excited and decided that's what they would ask.  The first woman asked how she was going to die, and the center card that came up for her was "The Coffin".  She was amazed by that.  So was I.  The first woman's reading told her she was going to live a long life with good health until she was much older, then she would die of a sickness.  Then a man asked the same question.  His reading also showed a long life,  dying in an accident when he was older, but also being very much at peace when he did pass on.  After his reading I looked at him and asked what he was planning on doing for a living (he was a college student).  He said he was going to be a mechanical engineer.  I just was curious if he was going to do something in which an accidental death would be a possibility.  It turns out he was.  The lady then asked KD if the sickness she would die from was cancer and the pendulum said "yes".  I don't necessarily encourage people to ask how they will die when they get readings done because I'm not really sure that's something we need to know, but the readings were quite interesting.

We read for many groups that night.   I was reading for the last gentleman in a group and his cards definitely showed a lot of romantic love activity.  After I laid out the cards I asked him if he had a wife and he said "no".  So, then I asked him if he had a girlfriend and he said "yes".  Then I asked if there was a possibility they might get married.  He was pretty amazed by that and explained that while I was reading everyone else in the group, he was thinking to himself about whether or not he should marry his girlfriend, and was pondering whether he should ask me that question for the reading, but then decided to just do a general reading.  As it turns out, the cards answered his question, anyway.  The cards pointed to a "til death do us part" kind of a marriage and definitely said that she was the one. We swore his group to secrecy so as not to spoil it with his girlfriend, but he went away quite pleased and happy.

People love KD and the pendulum quite a bit.  Once they start asking those "yes" or "no" questions, they start to get into it.  We had more than one group keep on asking questions and say they could stay in wagon all night asking KD questions if they could.  It's a bit addictive.  KD has started throwing a bit of her own intuition into it as well.  If the pendulum is hesitant to answer, KD can usually explain why.  She will say "Yes, but not for a long time" or "Yes, but you are going to have to work at it".  It's very interesting.  She's truly a natural reader.  She also helps me interpret the cards when I'm having trouble figuring out what a card combination means.  She's very intuitive that way. I can see her reading the cards someday as well.

I personally feel like I have gotten much better at reading the Lenormand cards.  My Blue Owl deck is awesome,but is the kind with the poems written right on the cards.  I read somewhere that sometimes the poems can get in the way of the reading and be a distraction both for the reader and the querent, so I ordered a deck of the same Blue Owl Lenormand cards with pictures only.  No poems.  The deck I have has been great, especially when starting out, but now I know what the pictures mean and hardly ever look at the poems.  Still, if the querent is looking at the poems, it could be a bit distracting for them.  I'm excited to receive my new cards with pictures only and start reading with them.

We just got our very own business cards made.  "Three Witches" hopes to be able to read at expo's, fairs and parties.  I handed a lot of cards out Saturday night.  Business cards make it feel very official.

KD and I have had a couple of weird experiences the last two days.  In fact, they were so freaky, I'm going to wait until "Freaky Friday" to blog about them.  So, be sure to check back then.

Also, remember that tomorrow is Tarot Tuesday and I will be pulling one card from the Gilded Tarot and interpreting it's meaning on the blog.  Have a truly marvelous Monday!  It's Halloween week!!

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