Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tarot Tuesday - October 27, 2015

Today's card drawn is "The Fool".

"The Fool" card is number 0 in the Tarot deck.  This means that "The Fool" can either be at the beginning or the end of the Major Arcana.  This means he is ever present and it is his journey through the cards in the deck.

This card represents potential, new beginnings and innocence. It shows the highest potential for your life, reaching a state of renewal and new beginnings.  Each day is a new adventure and each moment is lived to the fullest.  It is the beginning of all creativity and the desire to accomplish new goals, or at least begin the process of achieving those goals.  "The Fool" means that anything can happen and you have unlimited opportunities and possibilities.

"The Fool" is all about starting on a new journey.  New experiences, personal growth, the achievement of big dreams, and new adventures are waiting for you.  It is okay at this point to take a leap of faith and trust in the Universe to bring you success if you begin a new journey.  He is carefree and free from worry and anxiety.  It is okay to face the unknown. Go forward with the excitement of a child to face the great adventures ahead of you.

It is possible you may have a decision or choice to make.  It is a rather important one and it must be made wisely.  The key here is to believe in yourself and follow your heart even if your impulses seem crazy or foolish.  Truly believe and have faith in where the Universe is taking you.

What a great card to draw today!  KD has been encouraging me to really pursue my dreams lately. As I've said before, this has been a year of me suddenly having many ideas and I have already made some of them come to fruition.  Sometimes embarking on these new creative journeys can be a bit scary.  I do doubt myself quite often, but this card is telling us all not to fear or doubt.  Be brave and go forward.  The Universe will make sure everything falls into place.  It is meant to be.

What are your dreams and goals?  What will you do today to take a step towards achieving them?  I would love to hear from you.  Here's wishing us all wonderfully big dreams and fun adventures. Enjoy your Tuesday!

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