To share with you this Wednesday, I first have a few odds and ends from the last couple weeks.
And here's KD being a gypsy. She doesn't usually wear anything on her head, but does have on a nice gypsy skirt and a gypsy looking jacket with a sparkly cape. She is holding her pendulum in the purple bag and the book is the Birthday Fortune Telling book we bought in Minneapolis. The birthday book is just a fun book that has a zodiac type fortune for every day of the year. We find that most of them are pretty accurate except for mine. My birthday in that book doesn't sound like me at all.
I went shopping last weekend for decorations for the "Silent Supper". I went to Target first, then Michaels since it was right next to Target. I rarely go there, but now I realize I need to go there more often. I found everything I needed there and for not much money. This skull centerpiece is gorgeous and was only $11 since the centerpieces were 70% off that day. I bought two of these and they will be on two of the tables at the supper. The picture doesn't do it justice. These are absolutely gorgeous. And this is only one of the pieces I found. Black flowers with skulls in vases will also be a part of it. Black, red and gold are the colors I will be using. So excited!
On Monday night Angelle had a concert. While I was taking her to the High School, I drove by "Mohair Pear". I've blogged about them quite a bit because we always find such great stuff there. I noticed they had stuff hanging up outside on the sidewalk, so thought I would swing by there on the way home just to browse since I would have some time in between dropping Angelle off and picking up KD to go back to the concert. While there, I found this great red and gold caftan/dress. I thought it would look great on KD so I went ahead and bought it for just $17. I took it home to KD and she was really excited about it. And as you can see, it does fit her perfectly. So pretty!! I imagine she could wear it telling fortunes, either in the gypsy wagon or when we start reading for parties and expos.
Dressing like a gypsy for Halloween has to be one of the easiest costumes to come up with on your own. Here are a few ideas for very cute gypsy costumes. I especially think the little girls is cute. Using a tank top and a shawl is very simple, and you can make your own necklace like the purple gypsy did.
Have a great Witchy Wednesday. Do something witchy today and stop by the Gypsy Wagon on Saturday night this weekend so I can tell your fortune. We will not be there on Friday. One night only this weekend. Hope to see you there!

Wonderful centerpiece and great costume ideas! While at Mohair Pear did you check out the items from To Our Moon And Back? Love KD's new dress! Fabulous!
ReplyDeleteWonderful centerpiece and great costume ideas! While at Mohair Pear did you check out the items from To Our Moon And Back? Love KD's new dress! Fabulous!